
A classic blend of espresso and milk, latte is also a popular breakfast drink in Italy. In the Italian kitchen in the morning, coffee and milk are usually brewing together on the sunny stove. Latte-drinking Italians love milk more than they love Espresso, and only espresso can give plain milk a memorable taste.

拿铁咖啡的由来和便携式咖啡机的抛光过程-陶瓷 | 便携式浓缩咖啡机,智能保温杯


“Latte” is a transliteration of the Italian word for milk. Latte is a kind of fancy coffee, which is the ultimate blend of coffee and milk. The Italian latte is pure milk and coffee, while the American latte replaces some of the milk with milk foam, which is often used in local lattes.
The famous phrase “I’m not in the cafe, I’m on my way to the cafe” was uttered by a musician in Vienna. Vienna’s air is forever filled with the smell of music and coffee lattes.

拿铁咖啡的由来和便携式咖啡机的抛光过程-陶瓷 | 便携式浓缩咖啡机,智能保温杯

Origin of coffee latte

The first to add milk to coffee was Viennese Kochski.
这是从 1683 年开始的。那一年,土耳其军队第二次袭击维也纳。 维也纳皇帝奥博德一世与波兰国王奥古斯都二世结盟,波兰人一听说,增援就会赶到。 但问题是,谁来突破土耳其人并将信息传递给波兰人? 曾在土耳其旅行的维也纳人科赫斯基自愿用流利的土耳其语欺骗围攻的土耳其军队,越过多瑙河,转投波兰军队。 尽管奥斯曼帝国的武士部队在波兰军队和维也纳的进攻下,或仓促撤退,走在外面留下了大量的军火,其中包括数百袋咖啡豆控制了几个世纪,但穆斯林世界不会维也纳手上的豆子就这么轻松地流失了。 但维也纳人不知道那是什么。 只有 Kochski 知道这是一种神奇的饮料。 他要了几十个麻袋,作为在维也纳开张蓝瓶咖啡馆的奖励。 起初,生意并不好。 原因是欧洲人不像土耳其人那样喜欢和他们一起喝咖啡渣。 所以 Kochski 巧妙地改变了配方,过滤了咖啡渣并加入了大量的牛奶——这是当今咖啡馆中“拿铁”咖啡的原始版本。

A portable coffee machine grinds the coffee processPCM01:https://youtu.be/B8GB4RFdvH0

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