portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale,Amazon selling

Номи бренд: CERA+

Номи маҳсулот: Мошини сайёри қаҳва

Рақами модел: PCM03

Иқтидори (коса): MAX 80 ML

Шиддат (V): 12/5V

Лого: 5Логоро мутобиқ кунед


Мо қаҳвапазҳои сайёри камхарҷро барои содирот дар тамоми ҷаҳон истеҳсол мекунем.
Our newest model, the fully automatic heating PCM03, makes a strong espresso more efficiently!


We are a professional production of coffee machine,portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, automatic heating cup and other products of high-tech industry,portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, our unique patented automatic heating technology PCM03, portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, you can drink a cup of high extraction coffee anytime and anywhere!

portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale,Amazon selling-CERA | Созандаи сайёри эспрессо, кружкаи гармкунии оқилона

Видеоҳои раванди қаҳва созед:https://youtu.be/AOWka6MF-g0

Alibaba Store:https://cnluckyman.en.alibaba.com/

Маҳсулоти нав дар рӯйхат:https://conefiller.net/

Почтаи электронӣ: sale01@luckychina.net


Мобилӣ/WhatsApp: +86 18666941991

WeChat: 18666941991
