portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale,Amazon selling

Zita reBrand: CERA+

Product Name: Inotakurika kofi muchina

Muenzaniso Nhamba: PCM03

Kugona (Mukombe): MAX 80 ML

Voltage (V): 12/5V

Logo: 5Customize Logo Inogamuchirwa


Isu tinogadzira zvigadzirwa zvekofi zvinotakurika zvinodhura zvekutengesa kunze kwenyika pasi rese.
Our newest model, the fully automatic heating PCM03, makes a strong espresso more efficiently!


We are a professional production of coffee machine,portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, automatic heating cup and other products of high-tech industry,portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, our unique patented automatic heating technology PCM03, portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale, you can drink a cup of high extraction coffee anytime and anywhere!

portable coffee maker 12v,industrial coffee makers,industrial coffee makers for sale,Amazon selling-CERA | Inotakurika Espresso Mugadziri,Smart Warming Mug

Gadzira mavhidhiyo ekugadzira kofi:https://youtu.be/AOWka6MF-g0

Alibaba Store:https://cnluckyman.en.alibaba.com/

Zvigadzirwa zvitsva zvakanyorwa:https://conefiller.net/



Nharembozha/WhatsApp:+86 18666941991

