Portable coffee maker,commercial coffee maker machine,coffee maker machine for commercial use,factory

Tovar nomi: CERA+

Mahsulot nomi: Portativ qahva mashinasi

Model Number: PCM03 Wireless heating

Hajmi (kubok): MAX 80 ML

Voltaj (V): 12/5V

Logotip: 5Maqbul logotipni moslashtiring


Biz butun dunyo bo’ylab eksport qilish uchun tejamkor portativ qahva qaynatgichlar ishlab chiqaramiz.
Bizning eng yangi modelimiz, to’liq avtomatik isitish PCM03 kuchli espressoni samaraliroq qiladi!


We are a company specializing in the production of portable coffee machine and other scientific and technological equipment in China, portable coffee maker,commercial coffee maker machine,coffee maker machine for commercial use,with a number of patented technologies and independent research and development capabilities,portable coffee maker,commercial coffee maker machine,coffee maker machine for commercial use, our business is all over the world, PCM03 portable coffee machine is our independent research and development and production of products,portable coffee maker,commercial coffee maker machine,coffee maker machine for commercial use, with our original ceramic heating technology, you can heat coffee or tea anytime and anywhere

Portable coffee maker,commercial coffee maker machine,coffee maker machine for commercial use,factory-CERA | Portativ espresso ishlab chiqaruvchi, aqlli isituvchi krujka

Kofe jarayoni videolarini tayyorlang:https://youtu.be/m5yMXLA3_wc

Alibaba do’koni:https://cnluckyman.en.alibaba.com/

Yangi mahsulotlar ro’yxati:https://conefiller.net/

Elektron pochta: sale01@luckychina.net


Mobil/WhatsApp: +86 18666941991

WeChat: 18666941991
