Commercial coffee maker machine price,single-serve coffee makers,single serve coffee makers on sale,CERA+

Style:PCM01 coffee maker portable

MOQ:1 Pc electric drip coffee makers

Паковање: кутија у боји

Величина: 69 * 69 * 203мм

Лого: прилагодите логотип прихватљиво

Keyword:coffee faucet machine

Capacity (Cup):max 120ML


We manufacture cost-effective portable coffee makers for export all over the world. Selling hot on Amazon and around the world, our latest model, PCM01, makes espresso even more effective!


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Commercial coffee maker machine price,single-serve coffee makers,single serve coffee makers on sale,CERA+-ЦЕРА | Преносни апарат за еспресо, паметна шоља за загревање

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