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Бренд аты: CERA+

Продукт аты: Портативдик кофе машинасы

Модель номери: PCM03

Сыйымдуулугу (кубок): MAX 80 ML

Чыңалуу (V): 12/5V

Логотип: 5Customize Logo Кабыл алынат


Биз дүйнө жүзү боюнча экспорттоо үчүн үнөмдүү портативдик кофе кайнаткычтарды чыгарабыз.
Биздин эң жаңы моделибиз, PCM03 күчтүү эспрессону натыйжалуураак кылат!


We are a factory specializing in the production of portable coffee machine and coffee machine and other products in China, automatic espresso machine cappuccino coffee maker,coffee maker usa,como usar la cafetera coffee maker,we have a lot of production and research and development patents, and our own technology,automatic espresso machine cappuccino coffee maker,coffee maker usa,como usar la cafetera coffee maker, and we have been listed company, CERA+PCM03 portable coffee machine has our unique heating technology, automatic espresso machine cappuccino coffee maker,coffee maker usa,como usar la cafetera coffee maker,can be heated anytime and anywhere, very convenient!!

automatic espresso machine cappuccino coffee maker,coffee maker usa,como usar la cafetera coffee maker,factory-CERA | Портативдик эспрессо жасоочу, акылдуу жылыткыч кружка

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