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Hom Lub Npe: CERA +

Khoom npe: Portable kas fes tshuab

Tus Qauv Zauv: PCM01

Peev xwm (khob): MAX 120 ML

Qhov hluav taws xob (V): 12/5V

Logo: 6 Customize Logo Txais


Peb tsim cov nqi-zoo portable kas fes txiag rau export thoob ntiaj teb. Muag kub ntawm Amazon thiab thoob ntiaj teb, peb cov qauv tshiab, PCM01, ua rau espresso zoo dua!


Portable coffee machine PCM01 is a new portable coffee machine independently developed and produced by us. espresso coffee machine,coffee maker usage per day,portable coffee maker with kettle,It has the extraction pressure function of about 15bar and the water storage capacity of 120ml. espresso coffee machine,coffee maker usage per day,portable coffee maker with kettle,Now we have a big promotion, espresso coffee machine,coffee maker usage per day,portable coffee maker with kettle,if you are interested, please contact us Alibaba or our contact information!

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